Brand Colors

The approved Primary and Secondary Colors of Truman shown below should be used when applying any aspect of the Truman Identity when possible.

For applications where full color isn’t available, the use of Black and White is acceptable.

Truman purplePrimary Purple
PMS 2607 C
Hex #510C76
C: 82  M: 100  Y: 18  K:12
R: 81  G: 12  B: 118

Truman color palette includes gold for a secondary colorSecondary Gold
PMS 872 C
Hex #87714D
C: 43  M: 48  Y: 74 K: 18
R: 135  G: 113  B: 77

Truman color palette includes blue for a secondary colorSecondary Blue
PMS 2995 C
Hex #00A8E2
C: 81  M: 12  Y: 1  K: 0
R: 0  G: 168  B: 226